The business plan is the elaborated and structured summary of your business idea or business concept. In the business plan describes:

  • how your business idea should work (strategy)
  • to whom your business idea is directed (target group)
  • where the opportunities and risks lie (SWOT analysis) and
  • whether your business idea is worthwhile at all (financial section).

And very important: Whether your business idea is also worthwhile economically, check with the financial plan as part of the business plan. In the financial plan you calculate turnover, costs and results. You also carry out liquidity planning and determine the capital requirements of your project.

So when you draw up the business plan, you work out the idea, goals, measures and finances of your business start-up. It will then become your very personal guide to your self-employment.

We want to simplify the process of drawing up a business plan for you. You can download here a helpful template for a developing your individual business plan.

If you want us, to help you in evaluate your business model, you can download here our form OnePager. The OnePager is a very brief overview about your business.

Please fill out the OnePager and send it back to

You will get a response with tips and a short evaluation within one week via E-Mail.

The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do.

– Tajik Startups Team –