Coaching & Mentoring for Startups
We will not leave you alone even after the foundation.
The first months after starting the business are often the most difficult ones, therefore we support you even after you have founded your own company and stand by your side with our mentors and coaches.
What are the benefits of coaching and mentoring?
The idea behind it is as simple as it is compelling: Experienced entrepreneurs and coaches accompany you in building your business.
What the mentor gives you as a young company boss in detail depends on your individual needs.
For example, the mentor can help you implement your business plan as well as design the company structure, give you tips on choosing suppliers or help you acquire new customers. But what the mentor will always give his mentees is his practical experience.
The mentor passes on to the mentee in compressed form the knowledge he or she has acquired over many years of business life. That is the great advantage of mentoring.
Typical beginner’s mistakes, mistakes that the mentor himself might have made a long time ago, can be avoided.
In addition, problems that the founder alone might brood over for days can be quickly solved together.
For participants who have started a business after our incubation program, we offer a 3-month free mentoring.
- Founders who have participated in our Startup Incubation program
- Young startups, up to 3 months after foundation
Our mentoring program will start in spring 2021. The exact date will be published shortly on this website.
We will gladly answer your questions. Send us an e-mail to – keyword “Coaching/Mentoring“.
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