Интервью с руководителем стартрапа Vitamin.tj

1.     Расскажите о себе вкратце. И как вы пришли к началу того стартапа которым сейчас занимаетесь?    Здравствуйте! Я Назаров Азиз Исполнительный Директор проекта Vitamin.tj. На Digital рынке уже 14 лет. Наш продакшн(Nazarov Production) за период существования успешно выполнял дизайн работы, выпускал рекламные ролики, и создавал сайты, учувствовал в Республиканских фестивалях и конкурах.   Последние годы я посветил время игровому 3D…

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News from us

Drying persimmons is a new and profitable business in Tajikistan

Persimmons are one of the healthiest fruits in the world. They are sweet and delicious, and they can be added to your winter diet. Persimmons have manganese, iron, vitamin C, and beta-carotene, as well as important phytonutrients that have all kinds of health benefits. Persimmons cultivation in Tajikistan has expanded significantly in recent years. The…

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Where can the startups improve their knowledge and skills?

Over the past 100 years, business schools have evolved from trade schools delivering purely professional preparation to places of academic innovation and social science research. The first business schools appeared in Europe in the eighteenth century and multiplied from the beginning of the nineteenth century. If, in Europe, business schools are generally recognized as the first…

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