Training for Trainers (ToT) was held in Nurek in the framework of the “Promotion of Start-ups in Tajikistan” Project, component IV of the Integrated Rural Development Project IRDP | TRIGGER.
This training was devoted to start-up incubation program for start-ups, which will help each participant to learn all the subtleties of business start-up.
The trainer of the international organization “CEFE” Sandra Savanovitch was the trainer. As a result of the intensive training, the experts were able to analyze such questions as how to determine the instability and uncertainty in entrepreneurship, how to create cash flow, how to correctly prepare financial statements.
At the incubation program participants expect, practical tasks, cases and experience of trainers on the most interesting topics!
This training is financially supported by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).